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Wild Animals

Monkeys On the Bed 
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
" No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"
Four little monkeys jumping on the bed, …
Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, .... (and so on).

I'm a little monkey
I'm a little monkey in the tree
Swinging by my tail so merrily
I can leap and fly for tree to tree
I have lots of fun you see.
Munching on bananas everyday.

If you meet a crocodile
If you meet a crocodile
never tease or poke him.
And never trust his friendly smile,
be careful not to stroke him.
He seems asleep in the river Nile,
his body looks much thinner
than at the zoo, but the crocodile
is always ready for his dinner.

The Lion Roars With a Fearful Sou 
The lion roars with a fearful sound,
Roar, roar, roar!
The lion creeps, its prey to catch,
Creep, creep, creep!
The lion pounces with a mighty leap,
Leap, leap, leap!
The lion eats with a crunching sound,
Crunch, crunch, crunch!
The lion sleeps with a gentle snore,
Snore, snore, snore!
(Mabel Segun )

Their suits are black and their vests are white.
They waddle to the left and they waddle to the right.
They stand on the ice and they look very neat,
As they waddle along on their little flat feet.

Penguins Shuffle
Penguins shuffle shuffle to the
Left left left
Penguins shuffle shuffle shuffle to the
Right right right
Give a little wiggle
Give a little hop
Waddle round the iceberg
Never want to stop!

An elephant goes like this and that
An elephant goes like this and that,
(pat knees)
He's terribly big,
(hands high)
And he's terribly fat;
(hands wide)
He has no fingers,
(wiggle fingers)
And hs no toes,
(touch toes)
But goodness gracious,
What a long nose!
(curl hands away from nose)

Once there was an elephant,
Who tried to use the telephant -
No! no! I mean an elephone
Who tried to use the telephone -
(Dear me! I am not certain quite
That even now I’ve got it right.)
Howe’er it was, he got his trunk
Entangled in the telephunk;
The more he tried to get it free,
The louder buzzed the telephee -
(I fear I’d better drop the song
Of elephop and telephong!)
(Laura E. Richards )

Chorus: Zoo, zoo, who's in the zoo?
Zoo, zoo, who's in the zoo?
Zoo, zoo, who's in the zoo?
Who's in the zoo to visit?

ooMonkeys swinging on a tre
Sheep and lions grazing free,
Tall giraffes, a sight to see!
All in the zoo to visit.
      Chorus: Zoo, zoo, …

e,Deer with antlers on their hea
Hippos waiting to be fed,
Peacocks with their feaathers spread,
All in the zoo to visit.
      Chorus: Zoo, zoo, …

d,Polar bears all getting we
Baby goats that I can pet,
Elephants I won't forget,
All in the zoo to visit.
      Chorus: Zoo, zoo, …
(Meish Goldish )
Zu singen nach der Melodie: Skip to my Lou

Giraffes are tall
Giraffes are tall, with necks so long.
(Stand on tip toes; raise arms high up into air.)
Elephants' trunks are big and strong.
(Make trunk with hand and arm.)
Zebras have stripes and can gallop away,,
(Gallop around in a circle.)
While monkeys in the trees do sway.
(Sway back and forth.)
Old crocodile swims in a pool so deep,
(Pretend to swim.)
Or lies in the sun and goes to sleep.
(Lay head on hands and close eyes.)

I See
I see, I see, I see an elephant at the zoo.
I see, I see, I see a little monkey, too.
I see, I see, I see a tiger at the zoo.
I see, I see, I see a baby giraffe, too.
I see, I see, I see a crocodile at the zoo.
I see, I see, I see a little camel, too.
I see, I see, I see a lion at the zoo.
I see, I see, I see a baby bear,

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