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Five Little Pussy Cats 
Five little pussy cats playing near the door;
One ran and hid inside
And then there were four. 
Four little pussy cats underneath a tree;
One heard a dog bark
And then there were three. 
Three little pussy cats thinking what to do;
One saw a little bird
And then there were two. 
Two little pussy cats sitting in the sun;
One ran to catch his tail
And then there was one. 
One little pussy cat looking for some fun;
He saw a butterfly--
And then there was none. 

Kitty, Kitty 
I have a little kitty,
             (extend first and fourth fingers like ears)
He is as quick as he can be.
             (Make a side way motion with one hand quickly)
He jumps upon my lap,
             (Cup one hand in palm of other)
And purrs a song to me. 
(Make purring sound)

The Cat Song 
I see a cat.
The cat sees me.
I like the cats.
The cats like me.
Big black cats.
One, two, three.
I like the cats
and the cats like me. 

I Had A Poodle 
I had a little poodle     (clenched fist for poodle)

His coat was silver grey
One day I thought I'd bathe him
To wash the dirt away.      (scrub fist)
I washed my little poodle
Then dried him with a towel.    (pat fist)
My poodle seemed to like his bath
He didn't even growl. 

FI have a dog his name is Rags
,He eats so much his tummy sags
.His ears flip flop and his tail wig wags
,And when he walks, he walks zig zag
!He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag
!He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag
!He goes flip-flop, wig-wag, zig-zag
!I love Rags and he loves me!

My Dog 
My dog listens when I talk
He goes with me for a walk
When I sleep, he sleeps too.
He does everything that I do.
When my sister/brother/friend makes me mad,
He hangs his head and looks so sad.
He cuddles up and licks my hand
And tells me he can understand. 

One, two, three, four, five
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive;
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let him go again.
Why did yo let him go?
Because he bit my finger so!
Which finger did he bite?
This little finger on the right! 

One baby turtle alone and new
Finds a friend, and then there are two.
Two baby turtles crawl down to the sea.
They find another, and then there are three.
Three baby turtles crawl along the shore.
They find another, and then there are four.
Four baby turtles go for a dive.
Up swims another, and then there are five.

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