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Birds and others

There was one little bird in a little tree,
He was all alone, and he didn't want to be.
So he flew far away, over the sea,
And brought back a friend to live in the tree.

Here is a Beehive
Here is the beehive, where are the bees?
        (clench fist and bring out fingers quickly one by one)
Hidden away were nobody sees
Watch and you will see them come out of their hives,
One, two, three, four, five,
Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Five Little Birdies 
Five little birdies, flying around our door,
        (five fingers one hand up in the air, other hand
        bends down each finger)
The blue one flew away and then there were four.
Four little birdies sitting in a tree,
The yellow one flew away and then there were three.
The little birdies didn't know what to do,
So the red one flew away--and then there were two.
Two little birdies sitting in the sun,
The Brown one flew away, and there was one.
The little green birdie felt so all alone,
He/she flew away and then there was none.
Later on that very day,
five little birdies came back to play.

Robin Redbreast
Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a tree,
Up went Kitty-Cat, down went he,
Down came Kitty-Cat, away Robin ran,
Says little Robin Redbreast: "Catch me if you can!
Little Robin Redbreast jumped upon a spade,
Kitty-Cat jumped after him, and then he was afraid.
Little Robin chirped and sang, and what did Kitty say?
Kitty-Cat said: "Mew, mew, mew," and Robin flew away.

Two Little Black Birds 
A simple action rhyme

Two little black birds

Sitting on the wall,     

      (hold up one finger of each hand)

One named Peter,
The other named Paul.
Fly away Peter!
      (put a hand behind your back
Fly away, Paul!
      (put the other hand behind you back
Come back, Peter!
      (bring the first hand from behind your back
Come back, Paul!
      (bring the second hand from behind your back


Five little squirrels sitting in a tree.
The first one said, "What do I see?"
The second one said, "Some nuts on the ground."
The third one said, "Those nuts I found."
The fourth one said, "I'll race you there."
The Fifth one said, "All right, that's fair."
So they shook their tails and ran with glee.
To the nuts that lay at the foot of the tree.

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