Erklären, was ist, beschreiben, was war, und Kinder zum

Gebrauch ihres eigenen Verstandes anleiten - das ist gut.



Summer brings us nice warm sun
For swimming, fishing, and lots of fun;
For finding seashells in the sand;
For sunbathing to get a tan;
To do all these things and more
At the beach and seashore.

Summer Days ... 
In the summer when the days are hot, (Stirn abwischen)
I like to find a shady spot, (sich hinsetzen)
And hardly move a singls bit (sich nicht bewegen)
And sit, and sit, and sit, and sit.

Swimming ... 
Swimming in the water cool and bright,
I kick my feet with all my might.
         (Füße ausschütten)
And when I'm tired I float,
Pretending that I'm a boat.
I like to hold my breath and dive.
I swim beneath the water and count to five.
         (Luft anhalten u. an Fingern 1-5 abzählen )
Wow! What a dive!

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