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New Year 
A year to be glad in,
And not to be sad in,
To gain in, to give in,
A happy new year.
A new year for trying,
And never for sighing,
A new year to live in,
Oh, hold it most dear. 

January sparkles.
January's bold.
January huffs and puffs.
January's cold. 
Holding hands out in the snow
Slowly on our way we go
Leaving little paths behind
For the winter owl to find. 

The snow fell gently all the night.
It made a blanket soft and white.
It covered houses, flowers and ground
But did not make a single sound. 

The Snowman 
One day we built a snowman,
We built him out of snow;
You should have seen how fine he was,
All white from top to toe. 
We poured some water over him,
To freeze his legs and ears;
And when we went indoors to bed,
We thought he'd last for years. 
But, in the night a warmer kind
Of wind began to blow;
And Jack Frost cried and ran away,
And with him went the snow. 
When we went out next morning
To bid our friend "Good Day",
There wasn't any snowman there...
He'd melted right away! 

Snowflakes (Melodie "Twinkle, twinkle little star") 
Snowflakes, snowflakes falling down,
On the trees and on the ground.
I will build a man of snow,
Tall black hat and eyes of coal,
If the sun comes out today,
I will watch you melt away! 

My snowman 
My snowman is so big and cold
His broom is brown, his hat is old
His nose is red, his eyes are black
His arms are short
His name is Mac

5 Little Snowmen 
5 little snowmen standing in a row,
Each had a hat and a big red bow.
Out came the sun and it shone all day,
1 little snowman melted away.

The Chubby Snowman 
A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose.
Along came a bunny,
And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny,
Looking for his lunch,
Ate that snowman's carrot
Nibble, nibble, crunch!

Walking in the Snow 
Let's go walking in the snow, 
Walking, walking on tiptoe. 
Lift your right foot way up high, 
Then your left foot keep it dry! 
All around the yard we skip, 
Watch your step, or you might slip. 

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