Erklären, was ist, beschreiben, was war, und Kinder zum

Gebrauch ihres eigenen Verstandes anleiten - das ist gut.



Ten Fingers 
I have ten fingers   (hold up both hands, fingers spread)
And they all belong to me, (point to self)
I can make them do things-
Would you like to see?
I can shut them up tight  (make fists)
I can open them wide   (open hands)
I can put them together  (place palms together)
I can make them all hide  (put hands behind back)
I can make them jump high (hands over head)
I can make them jump low  (touch floor)
I can fold them up quietly  (fold hands in lap)
And hold them just so.

My hands upon my head I'll place.
Upon my shoulders, on my face,
At my waist and by my side,
Then behind me they will hide.
Then I'll raise them way up high,
And let my fingers fly, fly, fly,
Then clap, clap, clap them--
One - Two -Three!
Now see how quiet they can be.

I Wiggle
(Wiggle the body parts as they are mentioned.)
I wiggle my fingers,
I wiggle my toes,
I wiggle my nose,
I wiggle my shoulders,
Now no more wiggles are left in me,
So I will sit as still as can be.

Two eyes 
Two eyes to see the things to do
Two lips to speak clearly the whole day through
Two ears to hear what others say
Two hands to put the toys away.

Two Little Feet 
Two little feet go stamp, stamp, stamp,            (stamp)
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap,                  (clap
One little body stands up straight                     (stand straight)
One little body goes round and round             (turn)
One little body sits quietly down.                      (sit)

I have ten little fingers,
I have ten little toes.
I have two ears - I have two eyes
and just one little nose.
             (mit den Fingern auf die Körperteile zeigen)

These are my eyes,                 (auf die Augen zeigen)
And these are my toes,          (auf die Zehenspitzen tippen)
These are my fingers,              (alle zehn finger bewegen)
And this is my nose.                 (auf die Nase zeigen)
These are my knees,               (die Knie umfassen)
And this is my head,                (auf den Kopf zeigen)
And when I'm ill                       (sich den schmerzenden Kopf halten)
I'm in my bed.                          (Hände aufeinanderlegen und den
                                                   Kopf darauf stützen)

My fingers 
My fingers are wiggeling,          (Finger wackeln)
wiggeling, wiggeling.
My fingers are wiggeling just like this.
My hands are clapping,              (klatschen)
clapping, clapping.
My hands are clapping just like this.
My feet are stamping,                 (Füße stampfen)
stamping, stamping.
My feet are stamping just like this.
My eyes are blinking,                  (Augen zwinkern)
blinking, blinking.
My eyes are blinking just like this.
My head is nodding,                    (Kopf nicken)
nodding, nodding.
My head is nodding just like this.
My arms are flapping,                 (Arme flattern)
flapping, flapping.
My arms are flapping just like this.

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