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In the Garden

Little Seed 
Here's a little seed in the dark, dark ground. 
Out comes the warm sun, yellow and round. 
Down comes the rain, wet and slow. 
Up comes the little seed, grow, grow, grow! 

Five purple violets 
One purple violet in our garden grew
Up popped another, and that made two
Two purple violets were all that I could see
But I found another, and that made three
Three purple violets -- if I could find one more,
We'd give them to mother -- we'd have four!
Four purple violets -- sure as you're alive!
Why here is another! And now there are five.

My garden 
This is my garden         (Extend on hand forward, palm up)
I'll rake it with care,      (Make raking motion on palm with three fingers of other hand)
And then some flower seeds   (Plant motion)
I'll plant in there.
The sun will shine         (Make circle with hands)
And the rain will fall      (Let fingers flutter down to lap)
And my garden will blossom   (Cup hands together; extend upward slowly)
And grow straight and tall.

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