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Me and my Family

Everybody Says 
Everybody says 
I look just like my mother. 
Everybody says 
I'm the image of Aunt Bee. 
Everybody says 
My nose is like my father's.
But I want to look like me! 

This Is Me 
This is me, from my head to my toes. 
I have two eyes and a little nose. 
I can wiggle my ears and stamp my feet. 
From my head, to my toes, I'm really neat! 
(von Trisha Mullin) 

I'm Glad I'm Me 
No one looks 
The way I do. 
I have noticed 
That it's true; 
No one walks, the way I walk. 
No one talks, the way I talk. 
No one plays, the way I play. 
No one says, the things I say. 
I am special. 
I am me. 
There's no one 
I'd rather be than me! 

Here's the father,          (Zeigefinger hochheben)
Here's the mother,         (Mittelfinger hochheben)
Here's the sister,          (Ringfinger hochheben)
Here's the brother.         (kleinen Finger hochheben)
Father, mother, sister, brother,
hand in hand with one another. 

Music In Our Home
Mother plays the violin.
Daddy plays the flute.
Big brother blows the horn,
Little sister keeps the beat
By clanging on a pot.
And I try to sing along
Whether I know the words or not. 

Some families are large. (spread arms out wide)
Some families are small (bring arms close together)
But I love my family (cross arms over chest) best of all! 

My Family 
Here is Daddy. (thumb)
Here is Mommy. (index)
Here I am for three. (pinky)
Together we're a family,
As happy as can be! (clap!) 

This is my Family  
This is my mother, kind and dear.
(make a fist and point to your thumb)
This is the father sitting near.
(shown each finger in turn)
This is the brother strong and tall.
This is the sister, who plays with her ball.
This is the baby, littlest of all.
See my whole family large and small.
(wiggle all the fingers) 

My Family

My father, my mother,
my brother, my sister,
the baby and me,
oh, what a big family! 

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