Erklären, was ist, beschreiben, was war, und Kinder zum

Gebrauch ihres eigenen Verstandes anleiten - das ist gut.



Rain Rain 
Rain rain falls on the street,
mud in puddles cleaning my feet. 
Thunder thunder rumble and roar,
close the windows and lock the door. 
Clouds clouds black and gray,
heavy with water to drop all day. 
Sun sun is breaking through,
clouds are moving, the rain stops too. 
Rainbow rainbow across the sky,
see-through colours to tickle my eyes. 
                   (James Hörner )

When the rain is splashing down
On the fields and on the town
Singing winds begin to blow
And the flowers start to grow

Rain on the rooftops,
Rain on the trees.
Rain on the green grass,
But not on me! 

Little Raindrops 
This is the sun, high up in the sky.
A dark cloud suddenly comes sailing by.
These are the raindrops,
Pitter- pattering down.
Watering the flower seeds
That grow under the ground.

The Fog 
I like the fo
It's soft and cool
It hides everythin
On the way to school
I can't see a hous
I can't see a tree
Because the fo
Is playing with me
The sun comes ou
The fog goes away
But it shall be bac
Another day.


Thunder crashes.
Lightening flashes.
Rain makes puddles,
So I can make splashes

(Melodie: Frere Jacques) 
I hear thunder, I hear thunder,
Hark, don't you? Hark, don't you?
Pitter patter raindrops, pitter patter raindrops,
I'm wet through.
So are you. 

Weather Song 
(Melodie: "Oh My Darling") 
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather, everyone?
Is it windy?
Is it cloudy?
Is there rain?
Or is there sun?

(Melodie: Bingo) 
Today the sun is in the sky,
And sunny is the weather.
S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y
And sunny is the weather.

Dancing on a Rainbow 
Dancing on a rainbow,       (dance fingers above head)
As colours arch the sky.       (arch arms above head and out)
Sliding down a rainbow,     (slide hands down to lap)
Perched so high.               (arch arms above and over head)
Dancing on a gentle cloud,      (dance fingers)
Floating through the sky.       (float hands)
Twirling on a floating cloud,   (twirl hands)
Perched so high.                (lift hands up above head)
Dancing on a moonbeam,       (dance fingers)
Shining in the sky.             (lift arms up above head)
Tumbling from a moonbeam,    (tumble hands downward)
Perched so high.               (Arms up above head)

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